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Loan Approval

After a careful assessment of the applicant’s ability to repay a loan which is derived from the selection and screening process, the loan officer or loan committee can proceed to approve the loan for the applicant.

This window of Loan Performer is used to approve, reject or defer a loan application depending on the evaluation earlier made.

How do we approve or reject a loan application.

To approve or reject a loan application, go to Loans/ loan approval, a screen like one below appears:

Note: The loans applied for under the menu Loans/Loan application appear in the grid above. Click on the loan you want to approve or reject and its details will appear in the corresponding fields under the grid.


1. You have to tick the radio button corresponding to the action you wish to take: To accept the loan application select "Approve", to refuse the loan application select "Reject" and to postpone the loan application , select "Defer".

2. When you opt for refusing the loan application by selecting the option "Reject", another field "Reason for rejection" appears to allow you to enter the reason why you are refusing to give the borrower the loan e.g. "Not reliable" (See the image below). The reasons for loan rejection should have been specified under Support files/Loan Rejection.

Below is the report showing the "Amount applied for" and the "Approved amount".

Note: In case of an error and you wish to reverse the approval, you go to the menu "Loans/Delete Loan Entries/Delete Loan Approval" and delete it. The loan will again be available for approval. The same loan will also appear under the menu Loans/Modify Loan Applications just in case you want to modify loan application.

Click on the Save button to complete the approval. The loan will be removed from the approval list and placed on the list of loans pending disbursement.


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